Girls Build Comes to Oregon's North Coast

Girls Build, based in Portland, Oregon, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering girls aged 8 to 14 through hands-on building and construction activities. Founded to address gender disparities in the trades, Girls Build offers workshops, camps, and after-school programs where participants learn skills such as carpentry, welding, and electrical

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Federal Forest Collaboratives: What's at Stake?

Since the early 1990s, timber harvest volume on federal forestland in the Pacific Northwest has decreased by more than 90 percent. While federal forests make up nearly half of all forestland in Washington and Oregon, they currently account for only 10 percent of wood supply in the region. As a

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Trees & Bees

Hampton’s working forests provide raw materials for a variety of value-added wood products but they also create a wide range of habitat opportunities and ecosystem services as trees grow and mature.  Recent studies have revealed that timber harvest sites can act as important pollinator habitat by opening up areas

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Cruising for Timber...and Dinner

Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) managed State Forests are a particularly important source of timber for Hampton’s sawmills. ODF harvests a portion of these lands to provide revenue for schools and other public services and cover the cost of forest protection and recreational access. State Forest timber sales are

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